July 20, 2023

UAMS Simulation Work Highlighted in Two International Podcasts

The collaborative work of the UAMS Centers for Simulation Education, Department of Surgery and Office of Interprofessional Education was highlighted recently in the internationally renowned “Simulcast” podcast series.

Karen Dickinson, M.D., MBBS, M.Ed., FRCS, was invited to participate as an expert on a podcast episode discussing establishing and best practices for a Interprofessional Simulation Education program. She is an assistant professor in the College of Medicine Department of Surgery and director of Interprofessional Education Simulation and Clinical Skills Training in the Office of Interprofessional Education; surgical director, American College of Surgeons Accredited Educational Institute, and associate medical director, UAMS Centers for Simulation Education. Find the episode online here: https://simulationpodcast.podbean.com/e/173-interprofessional-education-in-healthcare-simulation-with-dr-karen-dickinson/.

Earlier this year, the podcast discussed the IPE mock trial activity that had been published in the International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. Authors of that manuscript included Dickinson, Wendy Ward, Ph.D., associate provost for faculty in the Division of Academic Affairs and director of interprofessional faculty development in the Office of Interprofessional Education, and Kathryn Neill, Pharm.D., associate provost for academics in the Division of Academic Affairs and director of interprofessional administrative and curricular affairs in the Office of Interprofessional Education, along with Robert Minarcin, J.D., and Christopher Trudeau, J.D., from the Bowen Law School at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Find that podcast episode at https://simulationpodcast.podbean.com/e/166-simulcast-journal-club-march-2023/, and find the manuscript at https://www.ijohs.com/article/doi/10.54531/zxmk6987#.