November 30, 2023

Posters Now Accepted for 15th Annual Teach the Teacher Symposium

Poster submissions are now being accepted for the 15th Annual Teach the Teacher Symposium, to be held Jan. 26, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. in Room 126 of the I. Dodd Wilson Education Building. The deadline for proposal submission is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 20.

The symposium, sponsored by the Education and Student Success Center, along with the College of Medicine Academic Affairs Office, is seeking posters that highlight teaching, learning, educational innovations, and educational scholarship. All UAMS faculty members are invited to submit proposals for consideration.

Proposals will be peer reviewed and accepted based on space and adherence to criteria. Preparation of presentation materials are the responsibility of the presenters.

To submit poster proposals, log in to your UAMS account and send the information requested below via link to Teach the Teacher Poster Proposal Submission no later than 5 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023.  Please be sure to consider the review criteria listed below. First authors will be notified of acceptance via email no later than Friday, Jan. 5, 2024.  If you have any questions or wish to discuss possible presentations, please email Dr. Helen Hu (

Posters are intended to allow UAMS faculty to share educational scholarship activities with colleagues. Presenters should converse with attendees and answer questions on their poster during the networking lunch (time TBD) for approximately one hour. Presenters are required to be present at their board during that time.  Most posters will be displayed in print and a limited number will be displayed electronically.

Required Poster Proposal Information and Review Criteria

  • Title (10 word limit)
  • Author(s)
  • Primary author email
  • One learning objective
  • Abstract (350 word max) that includes the following items:
    • Objective/Scope/How the work benefits the UAMS educational enterprise
    • Methods/Procedures/Process
    • Results/Outcomes
    • Conclusions/Next steps

Agreement to participate (Receipt from first author’s email address constitutes her/his agreement.)

The first author confirms that each collaborator listed above has contributed sufficiently to the work for inclusion as a co-presenter and has approved this proposal submission. We would appreciate participation of all presenters for the Teach the Teacher Symposium if the proposal is accepted.

Please type up your proposal in MS Word and upload the submission via Teach the Teacher Poster Proposal Submission (UAMS login required) no later than Wednesday, Dec. 20, 5 p.m.