
June 20, 2023

Accolades and Division of Academic Affairs News

  Provost Stephanie Gardner (left) with Connie Slayton, Academic Affairs Staff Member of the Year for 2022 Provost Stephanie Gardner (left) presents the Faculty Member of the Year award to Lindsay Blake.   Provost Presents Academic Affairs Faculty, Staff Awards at Spring Gathering The Division of Academic Affairs gathered April 4 for fellowship and to…

Culinary Medicine Serves Up Fun for AMDPA Event

Culinary Medicine hosted a teaching kitchen for the Arkansas Medical Dental and Pharmaceutical Association (AMDPA) on Saturday, June 3. Participants integrated nutrition education and clinical application while cooked a feast of chicken salad with apples, tofu “scromblet,” quinoa lettuce wraps with a spicy peanut sauce, shrimp fra diavolo, and roasted asparagus. Everyone had the opportunity…

June 16, 2023

Campus Life Hosts Student Lunch, Events

The UAMS Campus Life and Student Support Services hosted two April events for UAMS students. UAMS students were invited to Lunch at the Student Center on April 6 when students could pick from a variety of boxed lunches and cookies to provide a nice study break as we move toward the end of the Spring…

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