Workday Extended Enterprise Learning

Workday Extended Enterprise Learning Debuted on January 3, 2023!

Student compliance training that was housed in My Compass can now be accessed in Workday Extended Enterprise Learning. The last date to access My Compass was December 31, 2022.

For Students

Accessing Extended Enterprise Learning

  1. Navigate to (Google Chrome is the preferred browser– ensure you are using a web browser and are not attempting to access via the Workday app).
  2. Students that matriculated after December 2022 will be emailed their username (UAMS + your student ID with no spaces) and a one-time password upon matriculation. Students that matriculated prior to December 2022 will login with their username (UAMS + your student ID with no spaces) and the one-time password that was emailed in January 2023.
    1. In the event you have forgotten your password, or cannot find your initial password, click the Forgot Password? link and enter your Username (UAMS + your student ID with no spaces) and your UAMS email (the email address with your name not your student ID) to have it reset.
  3. After first login, students have two additional logins before they will be forced to enroll in multi-factor authentication. Students can set up MFA via a code sent to their email or the Microsoft Authenticator App. If using the emailed code, students must use their UAMS email as the email address.

How will I learn how to use Workday Learning?
Workday Learning was designed to be intuitive and easy to use. To learn about Workday Learning, please review the following materials:

Access Workday Learning and locate assigned courses (demo video)

Introduction to Workday Extended Enterprise Learning (PDF)

Enrolling in and completing courses (demo video)

Will I be able to see the courses in Learning that I previously completed in My Compass?
Your Learning transcript in Workday Learning will include courses you have previously completed in My Compass. However, any courses that are in a status of ‘in progress’ in My Compass after December 31 will not be transferred over; only completed courses.

How will I know I have a training assignment?
You will receive an email to your UAMS email address when you have been assigned training. This email will list the training assigned, as well as a reminder on how to access Workday Learning. Once logged in, your assigned training will display in a Required For You section.

I cannot see my assignments in Workday Extended Enterprise. How can I find them?
When you log into the system, click on the Learning app on the home page. From there your Required Learning will display at the top of the page. Assignments display on the home page once it is due within 2 weeks.

I am having issues with a training module not working. What can I do to access the training?  Please ensure any pop-up blockers are turned off and that you are using Google Chrome. If you continue to have issues, please contact the UAMS Help Desk ((501)686-8555).

For Faculty and Staff Who Assign Training

How will I access Workday Extended Enterprise Learning?
You will login to the same Workday you do today (accessing, logging in with your UAMS credentials and then clicking the blue Workday app) but will now have access to a few additional tasks and reports. Below are two quick reference guides on enrolling students and running assignment/completion reports. You will also be assigned this content directly in Workday for easy access. Note that while you will find these reports in Workday today, you will not yet see any students populated.

How will I assign training to students and report training completions?
The following materials outline how to enroll learners and track learning progress.

Mass Enroll Learners (PDF)

Create Learning Assignment Completion Report (PDF)

Whom do I contact for assistance with enrolling students or running reports?
Please log a ServiceNow ticket for assistance.

I need to be able to assign students in my college training or report on their completions. How do I get this access?
Log a ServiceNow ticket to request the Workday security role of Affiliation Manager for your college. After being assigned this role, you will automatically be assigned training to support your new role.

Frequently Assigned Trainings
Many trainings are being automatically assigned to students that meet certain attributes (called learning campaigns) or via the mass enroll process, but there may be times where students need to be sent a direct link to training content. Direct links to content can be shared by copying the URL from the course in Workday Learning.

Below are some frequently assigned trainings to students. Since these links will open in Workday, please login to Workday before clicking the links. If sending these links to students, please emphasize that the need to log into Extended Enterprise before clicking the link to take them to the content.

College of Pharmacy (COP) New Student Training

College of Health Professions (CHP) New Student Training

M3 College of Medicine Students Uconnect Training

New Employee/Student HIPAA Required Privacy & Security Training

Bloodborne Pathogens

Sexual Misconduct: Title IX and Title VII

Whenever possible, students should be assigned training via the mass enroll process or a campaign to be able to adequately report on training deficiencies.