Complaint Resolution Process Information for Prospective and Current Students

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences seeks to resolve student complaints in a fair and expeditious manner.  Policies and procedures are available to all students enrolled at UAMS, including those participating in distance or correspondence education.

If a student has a non-academic complaint that is not covered under one of the policies listed below, then they would follow the process for non-academic complaints described in Academic Affairs Policy 2.2.9 Formal Complaint Resolution PolicyIf the efforts to resolve a complaint informally are not successful, students must file a formal complaint within 30 days following the incident via the online complaint form. This form is only for student complaints. Employees who have complaints need to visit the HR i-safe incident reporting site.  This form is not for patient complaints. 

Below are matters that are covered by other campus policies or appeal procedures.


Topic Area Examples Initial Contact Person Policy
Academics Complaints about academic standards, grades, and decisions Associate or Assistant Dean for college Policies and procedures can be found in the college student handbook
Discrimination Allegation of a discriminatory policy, procedure, or practice Associate or Assistant Dean for college Academic Affairs Policy 2.2.1 Grievance Procedure for Students Alleging Discrimination
Traffic Citations Parking tickets UAMS Parking Operations appeal form UAMS Policy 11.3.03 Traffic Citation Appeals Policy
Research Misconduct Fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results Vice Chancellor for Research UAMS Policy 16.1.04 Responsible Conduct of Research
Disability Accommodations Failure to provide reasonable accommodations for a disability. Associate or Assistant Dean for college Academic Affairs Policy 2.2.1 Grievance Procedure for Students Alleging Discrimination
Title IX issues Complaints related to sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, stalking, gender-based harassment, and retaliation Title IX Coordinator UAMS Policy 3.1.48 Title IX, Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Violence, Stalking, Gender-Based Harassment and Retaliation;
FERPA Disclosure of student directory information University Registrar Academic Affairs Policy 2.1.2 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Student mistreatment A continuous pattern of verbal abuse, threats, psychological mistreatment, physical endangerment, intentional neglect, or requirement to perform personal services Associate or Assistant Dean for college if college faculty or staff involved or use of the complaint form For mistreatment by individuals not associated with the student’s academic program and not falling within one of the categories in this table above, students may utilize the Non-Academic Complaint Process.  Students who wish tp complain anonymously regarding mistreatment may submit this utilizing the complaint form.

If a complaint cannot be resolved internally within the University, a student may file a complaint with the appropriate authority . Arkansas and out-of state residents** (excluding California) must file complaints in writing with ADHE (Arkansas Department of Higher Education) here. Students may also mail written complaints to ADHE at 423 Main Street, Suite 400, Little Rock, AR 72201. Filing with ADHE must be within 20 days of completing the institution’s complaint process. As required by ADHE, the complainant must provide a statement from the institution verifying that the institution’s appeal process has been followed. ADHE inquiries are limited to courses/degree programs certified by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board (AHECB) under Ark. Code 6-61-301 and to matters related to the criteria for certification.  Students may also contact the Higher Learning Commission, which is the University’s regional accrediting body, at 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604, or at or 1-800-621-7440. This information is provided pursuant to 34 CFR 668.43(b).

**Because California is not a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, student who reside in California follow the complaint process listed here.

If a student wishes to submit an anonymous formal complaint, he or she may complete the formal complaint form on the Academic Affairs website where they can remain anonymous.  The nature and resolution of the issue will be documented and sent to the Associate Provost for Students and Administration.  The Associate Provost will share the complaint with the appropriate college/department for resolution unless noted not to.  If the details of the complaint are requested not to be shared, they will still be documented to identify complaint trends for development or changes to policy.

No person shall be subjected to retaliation for having used or assisting others to use the complaint process (UA Board Policy 355.1 Whistleblower Policy).


More Information From the U.S. Department of Education

Program Integrity Issues; Final Rule
Amendments to title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 were finalized on October 29, 2010.


Updated 12/17/2020